In the next few months….I am going to try to educate you a bit about the Miele Floorcare line. I am going to do my very best to show you why you should save up your hard earned pennies for this machine. Yes, it is a vacuum. No, generally people do not enjoy vacuuming. Most of the time…we just use it and get on with our day. But if I told you…that the vacuum you are using…is not really cleaning…why would you bother doing it at all?
(no joke….I met the UPS man at the garage and thanked him….I needed to document it…yeap….he thought I was a bit crazy…oh well….)
A vacuums job is to clean your air. Think about it…dust, pet dander, skin particles, dirt, all of it that is tracked inside from the outside…it all ends up in the air inside your home. A vacuums main purpose should be to remove those things from your house. Most vacuums on the market pick up some of this dirt…and place it elsewhere in your home. But I don’t want to get too ahead of myself….I want to first introduce you to my new Miele…the S7 Cat and Dog….this thing is a boss. And she ain’t too bad lookin either…am I right?!?! Va-va-vooommmm…
Let’s just say we were all a bit in awe of the Miele……
(actual text convo with the hubs….he is smitten with this machine…)
My Miele was selected for my house because we have a dog….who sheds…a lot. This Cat and Dog vacuum is designed to deal with not only all that dog hair..but it also takes care of dog odors with a charcoal filter. The charcoal filter is perfect for ridding the air of “pet smell”…if allergies are a bigger concern in your house…you can remove the charcoal filter and replace it with the HEPA filter. A vacuum should only have ONE way for air to leave the unit. That is why you can only effectively use ONE type of filter at a time.
I was so excited to share with you some of the benefits of this machine…I decided to make a short video about my favorite features. Come along and vacuum with me…would you?!?! :)
Next month I will be sharing a more detailed explanation about why the Miele Vacuum is the only floorcare on the market that actually supplies pure air. If you have any further questions….or you are getting ready to purchase a vacuum…I would be happy to tell you more:)
Here is the entire #pureairblog Miele Series
I am a brand ambassador for companies that I believe in myself and I believe my readers are interested in learning more about. I work with Social Spark and Clever Girls, along with individual companies that are targeting their products to my readers. I will always be mindful of your time and needs…and keep with the mission of CleverlyInspired; which is to inspire you to be clever in your own home. I appreciate your understanding. I have been compensated for my time, however all opinions and thoughts are 100% mine.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

I am totally using the line “porche of vacuums” to get my husband to use our Miele now ;)
So true right?!?! :)
We need this!!! I have two cats and a dog and allergies galore. I’m allergic to dust and dustmites and we try our hardest but I still struggle every morning, winter or summer. I’d love to try it. Also, I have a photo with my dyson. So we’re on the crazy train as well.
Toot toot!
Girl, what a great post! I may have to steal your video idea.
And I am loving the versatility of my new Miele. The best part is how easy it is to trick my husband into vacuuming with it. I guess he enjoys its Porsche-like qualities, too!
Hate to break it to you guys but I was sorely disappointed with this vacuum. I mainly purchased it because I wanted to get rid of that doggy smell when vacuuming. The other famous brand name vacuum did a great job with hair and dirt but was stinky. Guess what? Miele’s charcoal filter does not help. We went back to the store where we purchased the vacuum and bought some pellets to put in the bag to help and it does help a little. Now of course, you are wondering what kind of stink dogs do I have. My girls are 75# Dobermans with really short hair and they get a bath every two weeks. They are fed Blue Buffalo dog food which means good healthy coats.
I respectfully disagree:) I have a 70 lb golden who has been on prescription diet (high quality food) since he was 2. His coat is full and thick and attracts everything! I find that the charcoal filter does a really good job of removing dog hair smell. I do vacuum often (about 4 times a week) to keep up with it though. I was told by Miele that depending on the severity of your dog hair situation will depend on how often you need to change that filter. I think in our case I will be replacing it about 4 times a year…So sorry you haven’t had a positive experience. I am positive that they folks at your local vacuum shop would love to help you come up with a good solution. :)