The kitchen remodel is coming along really nicely! For those who follow on twitter and facebook…you may have seen the picture of our pantry update. We are ready for paint and it looks so great! I am finishing up my $7 countertop….and cannot wait to reveal it! It looks so good already!
Thought I would share the update to the mantle. Nothing that fancy…..hope your weekend was great!
Taking down the Christmas things after the holiday always is bitter sweet. I am ready for it all to come down….but yet sometimes it makes all the sparkle go away ;(
I mixed a few things around and went “shopping at home” for items to place on the mantle. Here is what I came up with…
I collected anything that was white…or reflective from around the house. Platters, cake plates, rocks…
I started to play around with the height a bit…placing the vases from the Dining Room up high to gain some dimension.
I used the original art the we purchased last year….and added some small glass votive candles.
The monochromatic scene of all white items ties the whole mantle together. Choose a color that you love and have a few different objects….maybe cobalt blue glass…come blue books….blue platters. It all works because the color pulls it together to make a fabulous statement.
Go shopping in your house and see what you can pull together….for free :)
If not, try these current Target coupons and save on home accessories.
Sharing:Tattertots and Jello