Go visit me over at Beneath My Heart today! Sharing a great little recipe!
This post has nothing to do with Christmas, cooking, baking, decorating…and it may not pertain to some of you…but I had to share. Last year I told you about the study game. Well, the kids are in middle school now are not quite as into that as they were last year. They have been doing a great job “learning” how to study….but I thought of a really fun game that just requires dice and small treats…not many rules…and the pay off is huge.
The nice thing about twins is that for the most part they are studying the same material in school. Works out really well because most of the time they can quiz each other…and they seem to enjoy that (for the most part).
Last week they both had a science test…lots of formulas and calculations to remember. They made up some note cards…and were trying to get it in there head…but they needed a little push. I cleared off the kitchen island…got out 2 die…a few treats (like goldfish, pretzels, m and m, starburst, nerds, peanuts…things that are small) and I called them over.
Each child rolls, highest roll gets to answer first. If they rolled a 1-4 they get 2 treats for a correct answer, 5 or 6 gets 3 treats (I made the 3 treat questions the more difficult ones). If they can’t answer the question correctly, the other child would get there chance for the treats. Of course you can add in “bonus” questions for an extra treat…etc…make it your own.
Really a simple game, basically quizzing with note cards….with an added bonus of a treat. They asked to play 3 times (which is why small treats work best).
The nice thing is they remembered the information—and that is a nice payoff! Plus it was kind of fun (cue cheesy game show host accent). :)
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