I briefly told you about a favorite store of mine call Architectual Salvage ( http://www.architecturalsalvage.com/home.asp)Â I love this place. I went looking for something specific. I wanted a piece of old trim to make some shelves with for my master bedroom. On the 3rd floor—-it is like a old wood/trim/staircase/mantel/spindle graveyard. I have NEVER seen SO much old, beautiful, fabulous wood ! I wish I would’ve take a picture…next time I go—I will!
Well….it was really hard for me to decide. But I stayed focus and on task of the original mission—to get a piece of old trim for my shelves. And I found EXACTLY that! The piece I got was $10. And I made 2 shelves with it.
All we had to do was cut the piece in half (it was 42 inches, so it made two 21 inch shelves—I know, you are impressed by my math skill, sharp huh?!?)
Then we screwed on the top–which is a piece of pine that is 7 wide…big enough for a decent display.
On the back of the shelf we placed 2 keyhole brackets..
We used the keyhole because we didn’t want to put a screw through the lovely old wood trim.
After we hung them up I painted just the top shelf with a coat of primer and then some trim paint ( that I had on hand) . **** Special note—if you are placing these in a main area of your house…where kids are coming and going often, I would seal any old painted wood with a clear polyurethane. Old paint contains lead!
$2 Art piece looks pretty fancy up there on that $5 shelf huh!?!?!?!?!
So what do you think??? I LOVE my $5 old wood shelves!!! They make me smile!! I placed some vintage books on one with a collection of wine corks (thanks Kim Gilley!!!!!) and my garage sale frame redo art piece on the other.
Thanks for reading! Please consider visiting me on Facebook, Twitter and pinterest! Fun things shared in between post!
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Love love love the salvaged shelving
Those are great! I love them!!
I LOVE this! It looks great! I wish I had a store like that around me. Good idea about using poly to seal the wood—never thought about that—thanks!
What a great find – I am loving the $2.00 art
So great!
I LOVE that place too!! Did you see my post all about it?
Have you been to Joe Ley Antiques downtown near Louisville Slugger Field? That place is AMAZING as well!!!
Allison…I will have to read that!! I love that place!! And Joy Ley…I took my kids last time and the clowns freaked them out :0
Clever- two are better than one, right?! :) Love this style!
Visisting from Remodelaholic.
You created some mighty perfect pieces. Bravo!
Nice shelves!
Those are beautiful!
Such a cute idea! And I love the frame too!
I love that worn out look. So pretty. :)
Chippy, white wood is the best isn't it?
Love how you used some to make those new shelves!
They turned out so nicely.
love the twig artwork … and the shelf of course… but i metioned that in another post.