Well…I made it! What a month I have had with Homearama!! It was such a joy to meet those of you that came out and introduced yourselves and told me what a fan you are of my little bitty blog. I feel so ready to get back into the writer’s seat and start creating again.
Homearama has drained me in some ways…like when you completely overeat and are so full you cannot take one more bite of food. I feel a bit of that right now when it comes to design. On the other hand I feel a bit energized to complete some rooms in our own house that I left unfinished. I’m going to continue the tour of the homearama house as soon as I return next week from a short little vacation. Not to worry…the kitchen of this home is a show stopper and will probably take a more than one post:)
I have to brag a minute about my 16 year old son. He saved up enough money to buy a airline ticket (and also split hotel cost) to visit Universal Studios and Epcot. I told him if he saved up enough money I would buy the tickets and be happy to join him on this trip.
We leave tomorrow morning and we come back on Saturday. I am sooooo looking forward to this trip. I have gone away with my peanut before…but this will be a first mother-son trip. For the record we did invite the hubs and the peanut but theme parks are not really their cup of tea so bubs and I will be enjoying it for sure! Be sure to check in on social media I’m sure I’ll be sharing some funny pictures along the way.
I just wanted to pop in and share a few things with you I just finished the sweetest book called The Summer Kitchen I absolutely loved it!
We are nesting in our house!!!! No not me silly silly silly people… big news is that Stella’s mama is having one more litter!!! We will be getting another baby girl puppy which will be Stella’s half sister. I’m not exactly sure how we became obsessed with having another dog in our house but we always said that we wanted another puppy from Stella’s mama if she was going to have another litter and the good Lord shined down on her!She just gave birth to 7 puppies.
Pic of Stella’s momma Savannah with her brood…and Stella below—like mother like daughter huh?!?
I’m hoping and praying that she will be just as good of a dog is Stella has been. I think that the hubs and I started considering it after we started thinking about are twins being Juniors this year….flying the nest at the same time has us a little bit feeling like we need to feather the nest a bit;) I’m thinking two golden retrievers will be plenty of “feathering” or should I say “hair balling.” They are worth their weight in hair and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Her name will be Chloe. We went round and round and round on dog names and we settled on Chloe after finding out it derives from Charlotte which is the street name of the beach house. We all liked that it sounded very different from Stella so hopefully it will be easy for Stella to learn. Here is a current picture of Little Miss Chloe
We get to go meet her sometime late August. I have been trying to “recap” puppyhood and I’m so happy I wrote this post I’ve got about 2 years ago when we bought Stella home.
School starts here on the 12th so after this vacation with my bubba I will probably go back to more of a regular blogging schedule. I think that this fall I’m going to focus on sharing with you some projects room by room. There are several things that a bit unfinished. I would like to get back into the DIY mode a little bit and share some fun projects along the way. Blogging has changed so much in the past 7 years and I know that many of you don’t even visit the blog regularly but instead reach out on social media. I would love to hear your thoughts on what you might like to learn more about or what I can focus on here this fall and winter. Let me know:)
I hope you have a restful end of your summer!!

We have a longhair dachshund named Chloe! She is a rescue and has lived with us for a year and a half. She’s a sweetheart and I call her girly girl for fun. Good luck with your new family member.