A long long time ago I shared on Instagram a few pictures of the headboard that we made for our master bedroom. I wanted to kind of break down the steps for you in case you wanted to make one for your home. Often times I feel like I shared something with you and then I go back and realized I never did so here goes….
For this project we scrounged up about 6 pieces of old trim parts. Various profiles and colors make for the most interesting combination. We wanted it to appear like a mantle. The pieces we used are in their original state all I really did was clean them well and using a magic eraser to get some of the smudges off. Obviously you can repaint or glaze or make them whatever color you wish.
Our master bedroom has a cathedral ceiling with stained beams and white washed pine. It really needed something that was fairly dramatic and kind of beefy. My original thought was to do an entire mantle with the post that go to the floor and kind of surround the bed but then I found this old screen door and I loved the pop of green. The screen door was the exact length of the bed and all I had to do was clean that up and hang it underneath our finished mantelpieces. I had originally thought of putting something or maybe some fabric behind the screen door but once I got it on the wall I like the simplicity of just the trim detail and the green paint.
This headboard cost probably about 50 bucks in old trim the screen door was about 20 bucks at a tag sale. I like that I can place things on the top and I like that it has so much height that complements the height of the room. We brought all of our trim at architectural salvage downtown Louisville it is a great resource and I’ve used their trim parts on a few other projects in our house that I shared with you previously.
This room still needs some drapes and a few other things for the bed possibly a reading chair so I’ll be sharing more with you soon I’m sure.