It’s Friday! I hope if you are in the deeper South that your week is ending a lot better than it began. What a mess for y’all! Bless your hearts….(in my thickest “Steel Magnolia” voice….) Seriously though, winter can go away now. I am done having fun taking snow pics…ready to be outside again! Here is a great activity to get started with this weekend…it will get the whole family involved…and laughing too…the best:)
Sometimes….well actually all the time…your kids fail to see you as anything other than a middle aged mom who works, cooks, cleans and nags about homework. They don’t realize that you were a silly 3rd grader who liked to play red rover (because that is how you found out who liked who…) or a shy 7th grader who sobbed about going into a new school because she knew NO ONE….or a fun loving college girl who figured out southern gentleman actually do exist and they will make you weak in the knees…They don’t realize all of this because they weren’t there to experience that with you. This little activity will help them see a new side of you…and you will learn something more about your win.
I recently reprinted these questions for our family meal time. We did them all about 7 years ago or so…I held onto the word document so that we could revisit these questions. As the kids get older it is fun to see how their answers change.
I thought you may like to print these out for your family meal time. There are two sets of questions. 100 questions for parents to ask the kids….and 100 questions for kids to ask the parents. At dinner time, parents chose one question and kids chose one. Some are really thought provoking and others are just silly.
Print each list onto different paper…in our jar white paper is parents questions for kids…and colored paper is the kids questions to the parents.
Placing the paper strips in a pretty glass jar on the table….you will never forget about it:)
Here are the downloads: Just print out and cut into strips….There isn’t a particular order you have to go in…even though they are numbered….
100 questions for Parents to ask their Kids
100 questions for Kids to ask their Parents
I hope you learn something new about your kiddos….
and tell them about that one time in 8th grade when you made your friends laugh so hard they peed their pants….I bet your kids will laugh too:)
Have a great weekend friends :)
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