I had this toy. It was a mini replica of the Sesame Street set. I can picture it perfectly. It opened and reveal all the “apartments” inside…in the center there was a small chalkboard. Ernie and Bert’s apartment, Big Bird’s, Gordon and Susan’s… I believe it was made by Fisher Price. There were little people too…you could put them on the ends of your fingers…kind of like a puppet. Mr. Hooper’s store…do you remember Mr. Hooper? My mom probably loved this toy as much as I did…because it was a nice quiet activity. I played with it for hours on end.
I am sure there were days….when my mom would have loved to get to “leave” for work. When my dad was traveling and my brothers and I wouldn’t stop pestering each other. But she chose to be there. It is a choice all moms have to make…and all moms make the choice that is for the good of their family.
Those hours and hours I spent “playing”…all the while learning what my passions were…learning what kind of a mom I wanted to be. There is something to be said for the art of doing “nothing”…that is really something.
In all that time…that my mom let me play….I learned I had a love for taking pictures…
for figuring out what I wanted to be when I grew up….
Learning that I need to be creative to be happy….
All these hours of play…help me today to stay true to what I love most. To be creative. To be passionate about life and family. So thanks mom…and to all the moms out there….who know that all those hours…when you think you are doing nothing…..you are creating something amazing. ;)
Happy Mother’s Day!