“I’m going to be 40……someday…” (Meg Ryan, When Harry met Sally)
I am actually fine with turning 40 this summer. I have never really felt that my age has ever stopped me from doing things…and I will continue to believe that. 40 is the new 26 and holding…am I right???
I feel blessed everyday…to be married to my best friend…to have children who are healthy…to have a lovely house and amazing friends.
My cup is running over.
That made me think of coffee. I am thankful for that too.
So my hunk of love (above…he was always a cutie…and always has a “cup” in his hand ;) and I are celebrating.
We are calling this the “we are still 39 trip”. (we both have birthdays this summer)
We chose to think on this…here…while we sip on fruity drinks. They help me think better.
Really it is just a great time of year for us to go away.
We are thankful to our parents who step in to help. xoxo
If you would like to follow along on instagram…I will be sharing clever findings over there:) I have a few fun sponsored post that will show up this week too.
Be sure to pop in today over at Jamielyn’s...I am sharing a great craft for Father’s Day! Go see;)
xo yall

Happy almost birthday!! Looks like a great trip!
Thank you friend:) Cannot wait to be warm! :)