Warning: if you are a “painted brick hater” you may want to carry on…and read another post ;) This post is all about painted brick houses. We have lived in our house for about 8 years now….and every since we have lived here we have wanted painted brick. We didn’t do it when we built…because we also loved the look of natural brick…and the budget wasn’t allowing it;) After doing a bit of research…and clipping pictures for the past 8 years…we have narrowed it down to a few choices. The style we are most excited about could be called “old Charleston” …used painted brick in a white wash…colonial colors to compliment…wood porch floors….stained wood double doors….Here are some fun inspiration pictures that have the look we are going for…. (Dad…stop crying…it’s ok to paint brick….the world will continue to go round…xoxo;) …
We love the look of the white washed brick. You can still appreciate the texture of the brick….love it…
Another change we will be making to the front is a large porch….we will be replacing the single door with a wood/window double door. The stain of the door in the above picture is what we are drawn to….
The front porch will have a brick fireplace on the side….and possibly wood floors…columns in a stacked stone and paneled ceiling….
The shutters will be cedar painted or stained….we love the idea of a slate blue shutter….
I had some fun over the weekend playing with this app on Sherwin Williams website called Color Visualizer. I didn’t take too much time with my shapes…so it is a bit sloppy…but it does give a nice visual for what the paint may look like. Fun to play with….
Here is our house…
White with brown stained shutters…..
White with slate gray….

White with dark blue…..

We are in the beginning planning stages….so don’t expect this to happen quick;) But we can’t wait to have another outdoor space….plus make our house a bit more unique…:)
Are you a painted brick lover?? Or hater??

Yes, I really like painted brick, particularly when it still allows some of the brick color to show through. Sort of a white-wash paint effect. Your home is lovely.
I love it! Very pretty.
Wait, I am back. What if the center part was painted and covered and the other was white-washed? Also, a contrasting front door color from the shutters. Can you do that change on the computer and post it? I would love to see how that looks.
I’m not a big fan of painted brick, but I love the idea of a porch on your house and a double door. You have great taste, so I’m sure no matter what you do, it’ll look great and will work for your family! Can’t wait to watch this project take shape :)
Painted brick fan! We did it to our house several years ago and have never regretted it. The brick we covered was not pretty, so none of it’s original color is showing through. Our house feels so much fresher! Here is the before/after: http://www.hopelonginglife.com/2010/04/white-house.html
I usually prefer regular brick, but in some cases where the brick is ugly I think it can be a huge improvement. Yours is already nice, but I think the white wash effect will look good, too. I’m in love with big porches, though, and can’t wait to see yours come to life! Thanks for sharing.
[…] I briefly told you about our long term plans for the front of the house…in this post…We have decided to go ahead and change the door out […]
[…] a new door in the middle of January. To review a bit…I told you about our grand master plan for the front of the house. We started researching doors a while […]
[…] when I told you about our plan for front doors…they are really such a perfect addition for the front of our home. The stain we […]