Thanks to The Bully Project for sponsoring my writing. Visit their website to join the movement and learn more.
This is a picture of my kiddos…first day of school from Kindergarten to 5th grade. There are many up’s and down’s when you have twins. Always a playmate/schoolmate, someone to always have your back in the same circle of friends, someone to finish your green beans when you don’t want them…etc.…There are also things that will always be hard…at least for me. The day they both went on that big yellow bus off to Kindergarten was one of those moments. Gosh, they leave together…both of them. It was a big adjustment for me. They both were all giddy and excited at all the fun school had to bring. And I was excited for them…it was just hard to let them both go…into that big school without me. It is the same with all these life milestones…when you have twins…and they are your only kids…things go by double fast. I think the older they get…the more I appreciate the “built in friendship” that twins bring. Especially in middle school….
Bullying is a topic we talk about often. I credit there school for this. I believe they are ahead of the ballgame when it comes to dealing with bullying in the school environment. It is taken very seriously….with very real consequences.
It cannot be ignored. It cannot be shoveled under the rug any longer. Bullying in our nations schools has got to stop. Period.
“The problem is real. My voice will NOT go silent, until a difference has been made. Be the difference. Make a change. “
– The Bully Project
This film, The Bully Project was directed by the award winning film maker Lee Hirsch. It clearly documents the lives of 5 teens and there daily encounters with bullies at their schools. The tragic outcome of 2 of the students is truly heartbreaking.
I would encourage you strongly to take 2 minutes and please watch this trailer for the movie The Bully Project.
Bully will be shown in select theaters beginning Friday, March 30
We have always told our kids…if you see bullying and choose to do nothing…you are just as guilty as the person who is bullying. Stand up. Encourage your children to stand up. When we each do a little…it mounts up to a big whole bunch of change ;)
As one of my readers wrote to me….telling me a horrible story about her own daughter being the brunt of a bully ..
she said “ I know my daughter’s bully first hand…I know she comes from a very trouble place. She has targeting my daughter’s “perfect life” because she doesn’t have a good life of her own.”
Our schools need to be proactive is seeking help for these children who are so low…they feel true joy only when they make another classmate feel shame. Do something today. Go out and make a change.
Thanks to The Bully Project for sponsoring my writing. Visit their website to join the movement and learn more. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. Find showings in your area for The Bully Project and buy tickets here.