My dad is a bit of a magic man. Family dinner…he is always making a fork disappear or pulling a quarter out of someone’s ear. But I would have to say that his latest project is the trump of them all….You really have to see if for yourself to get the full effect. My pictures don’t really do it justice…
My dad finished the basement in their house. He did an amazing job. This door was one of his most recent projects. Their basement isn’t a walkout. That’s right….NOT a walkout. This door is all an illusion…
He built it right on the wall. The door frame is trimmed out just like a regular door would be. The window panes he built by hand…painstakingly gluing and nailing the frame together. The handles are door handles…and everyone who goes in the basement immediately tries to open the door to see where it goes. It looks that real.
And blinds….yes…even a lock at the top. He created a walkout where there isn’t a walkout. My dad is smart like that ;)
He is planning on putting a hi-res picture of a garden scene where the black cardstock is now. Just to add to the illusion.
Great job dad!! Now yall know where I get my creativity (oh mom you are creative too!! :)
If you have a project to share…but you don’t have a blog I would love to feature you! You can email me at cleverlyinspired at

Love it!
That is very cool!! I would never have known that was faux. Your Dad is the magic man!
I read that you went to Dayton with your hubs. I went to BGSU and my hubs went to Miami. Yeah for Ohio colleges.
Have a good day!
What a guy your Dad is. You get your genius ideas from him & Mom too?? Very cool
WOW- Love it. Your DAD did a SUPERB job!!! AMAZING