
I recently went to visit by best friend. She has 3 of the sweetest, kindest, most adorable daughters. This exchange happened one morning while I was having my coffee. Thankfully, my camera was right next to me…..

Me: Ellie, why is that stuffed animal reindeer on that stool over there?

Ellie: Oh, that is my friend Clarice……ya know the reindeer? Clarice drives my sled….

















Me: gotcha…I see…(go on drinking my coffee)

Ellie: See I think that she should drive the sled. Just because she is a girl she can’t drive the sled? I don’t think Rudolph should always get to drive Santa. Right?!? (insert many hand gestures and head bobs along with dialog…to get the full “Ellie-effect”) So I made this sled so that Clarice could drive my sled. She is my best friend. (I’m guessing that is why she is still “hooked” up to her stool…err I mean sled”)



Me: I agree Ellie. That is a very good point. She should be able to drive the sled sometimes too.

Ellie: I know it is a good point.


I love you Ellie.

And Sarah and Abby….who are equally as charming and funny:) Love you all !


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Tracie Stoll is a wife, mom and has a passion for creating new things. On her blog Cleverlyinspired.com she is constantly sharing ways to inspire her readers to be clever in their own home. Since 2010 Tracie has been sharing DIY projects, crafting, remodeling and decorating along with some easy tasty recipes...all on a mindful budget. She is a graduate of the University of Dayton where she studied visual art and communications. Tracie has been featured on popular sites such as Country Living, CNN living, Good Housekeeping, Better Homes and Gardens, Huffington Post, Apartment Therapy, Seventeen and Design Sponge. She is also a member of the True Value Blog Squad & Martha's Circle of trusted bloggers.

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  1. That’s my girl, Ellie! Equal rights for women…girl power! Great pictures, Trace! Your visit was good for the soul! Love you!

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