Random thoughts…6 things that are completely inspiring/happy/awesome/just plain cool…
1. My bloggie friend Ashley was on the news the other night for her daily inspirations about her life right now…battling cancer…and continuing to Choose Joy everyday. If you need to be reminded of all your blessings…you must visit her.
2. I have a hard time getting the song “Muppet or a Man” out of my head…once it is in my head. You? Discuss….
3. This mild winter has me even more excited for spring!
Especially—this…. (only 6 weeks ;)
4. I am in LOVE with this site called Gigi Petals…it is like a Groupon for all handmade items! You sign up to get a daily email…or you can just visit their site when you want to. Items run for about 4 days and then new items appear. So cool!!
5. I am not a gardener. I really wish I was. But I do try to grow some tomatoes and herbs every spring. I think I will start my seedlings this way….genius..toilet paper rolls! Start saving them up!! ;)
6. Pinterest is taking over the world. Find me there…in your free time…I pin..I pin alot. The first step is admitting it…;) Pinaholic’s-r-us…Pinmania…Pinapalosa…Sir Pin a lot….ok I will stop…
Also…If you are looking for some inexpensive advertising for your handmade shop or blog…I am offering $25 for a button on the side bar. Spring buying season is just around the corner! Buy March and get April for free ;) All I need is a 150X150 square picture and I can link it up to your shop. Email me at cleverlyinspired at gmail.com for more info:)