Is it just our house…or do most of your friends and family come in the garage door entry? No one uses our front door…and we like it that way. Our garage door is just easier..the kids playing ball in the driveway or riding bikes…it is easy access. The “entry” was very very lacking…of ANY kind of style. So one Sunday I was out to change that….And here is what I did…
All the supplies I had on hand and were free (free because I didn’t have to go out and get anything to complete this project!)
Here is the entry before….yawn…am I right…(note: the changing table was a FREE roadside rescue—was going to become a outside bar, but for now it’s duties include holding all my paint c-r-a-p)
I mixed together 3 samples I had sitting around….
Those 3 samples became a lovely puddy cement color….ohhhhhhh I love I love…
A wheat wreath from the basement….
I have more to show you….I couldn’t stop at just the door. I had to paint the steps….
The changing table was FREE (did I mention it was free??)…on the side of the road!! And it is a perfect spot for all my current projects to land! I placed a tension rod up and made a little curtain out of some fabric I had on hand.
I watered the paint down a bit for the steps…so it is really just a “wash” of paint. We didn’t want it too slick for Putter the dog :)
I also used the rest of the paint to do a custom chalk board (more on how I made that next week) behind the changing table…a perfect place to jot notes and measurements!
It looks so much better….and I love having a spot for all the paint stuff!!

Looks great! That turned out to be a fabulous color!
What a big difference..looks amazing!
A great change for this space! The grey door looks fantastic and am now thinking grey for my back door might be just what is needed!
Did you use an oil base or latex based paint? Want to do a similar fix up on my woeful garage entry and am not sure which to use . . . or if I need primer! Thanks! I love your site!
[…] “Mom, I’m hungry..” ….”Mom, I’m hot….” , “Mom, I already did my chores…” ahhhhh, the sweet sounds of summer are approaching. We are left with just 2 short weeks in our school year. I can almost taste the freedom (freedom from homework ;) This weekend I decided to do a bit of organizing in the garage. I posted last year about giving this little area a bit of a freshen up with my free changing table I found on the side of the road. Here is that post…. […]
[…] “Mom, I’m hungry..” ….”Mom, I’m hot….” , “Mom, I already did my chores…” ahhhhh, the sweet sounds of summer are approaching. We are left with just 2 short weeks in our school year. I can almost taste the freedom (freedom from homework This weekend I decided to do a bit of organizing in the garage. I posted last year about giving this little area a bit of a freshen up with my free changing table I found on the side of the road. Here is that post…. […]