My sink normally looks like this…
There is normally dog hair on my floor…
I normally have loads of laundry waiting to be cleaned, or dried or folded…
It is normal for me to mention to my honey that my office seems a bit drab and start painting immediately the next morning.
Did I mention that I normally have dog hair, lots of dog hair on my floor…I need to go vacuum
But I don’t normally get calls from the Courier Journal asking to interview me…but it happened this week.
Normally I have to give my son 40 reasons why he has to take a shower…sometimes 45…
It is normal that my hubby puts my toothpaste on my toothbrush for me every morning before he leaves for work. I love him a bunch…
And I don’t normally get calls from the Rachel Ray show….but I did this week.
I like being normal. Normal is good.
Happy weekend friends….I’ll keep you posted :)

Are you going to be on Rachael Ray?
I love her! What a nice hubby!
Have a great weekend.
just caught up on your blog! can't wait to see what's up next! p.s. i ADORE the tiffany's candle holder, i'm inspired!
how cool is that. I wrote a post about a book I loved and the author actually wrote a comment yesterday. Made my day! Good luck, how frickin cool is that!
Tracie, WOW, lol, what a great week! And I'm with the on the kids showering issue, lol. :0) ~Lori
Thanks for posting your normal pics! I was beginning to wonder about all of you fantastic bloggers and your uber-perfect homes! Keep us updated so we can watch and read!
Your house looks like mine right now!
Wait…Did you say Rachel Ray? So, what's the exciting news story there???
How exciting!! Can't wait to hear the details! :0
This is exciting! Congrats to you!
And it's nice to know that I'm not the only one with a crazy paint habit. I'm sure your honey, like mine, is used to it by now. :-)
sounds like a great week about to happen for you:)
Yikes, forget the dog hair .. love hubby and tolorate a "smelly" son … but tell us MORE MORE .. about the interview AND RACHEL RAY.
Forget normal.. ya is famous .. yikes.
I think you will have to update as to WHY Rachel Ray Show called you. All of that is very awesome.
Oh, my word, AWESOME! Can't wait to hear more!
Congrats on your out of the ordinary events, and thank you for making me feel normal :)
Super cool. I love that your hubby puts toothpaste on your toothbrush for you. It's the little things in life that make it special <3
I can relate to many things here…just not Rachael Ray calling me! Lol! Congrats!
Claudia @
I love this! Thanks for linking it up :) I am off to see if I can find out more about the Rachel Ray call. . . .