In some ways January is a return back to Zen….or some sense of calm. You know, you take all the holiday stuff down, the lights are gone, the furniture moves back to where is was….then there is this clean pallet. I love that. It is such a renewing feeling—and yes, I did just finish my Yoga…:) So, my mantle is reflecting that feeling.
First thing I did was fill my 2 favorite vases..they are heavy rectangles…got them at Macy’s back in the newlywed stage of my life…and I love these! I use them all the time.
Zen right??!!
For these super large vases I used 3 bags of great northern beans (.98cents) and one bag of white rice (1.50)
I put in 2 bags of beans, then all the rice, then the last bag of beans.
Oh I love this!!!! Mantle is coming together!!!
Stay tuned…. :)
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great idea – LOVE the calm!
I may have to do the beans in my glass collection – but that probably means I need to get the Christmas stuff down. You know me – I'm starting to freak b/c the tree is still up! Zen baby Zen. . . .
Love the idea of the beans and rice as vase fillers…I have a ton of empty jars and vases sitting around my house after cleaning up the Christmas decorations and couldn't figure out what to fill them with. Thanks for the great idea!
Thanks for the idea! I just took the ornaments out of my jars and need something new to spice it up!
New Follower here!
I am lovin what you have done so far..Can't wait to see the finished mantle..
That is a beautiful fireplace! Luv it! That is the one thing I wished I had. Maybe one day:) Yours is amazing, cant wait to see what you do to it next.
We must be soul sisters! I thought I was the only crazy chick you used beans and rice. Love it! Found you via UTTD..great submission.
Oh boy, I love these! Great mix of texture and love the monochromatic look.
Very cool. Can't wait to see what you do with the rest of it!
Hope you can join my "our nest" sign giveaway! Ends tonight.
Oh I will stay tuned! I love the clean lines, I've never mixed rice with my beans I'm going to give that a try! Thanks for the inspiration! jules