I have never had to watch my weight…like ever. I was gifted a super fast metabolism….up until I hit about age 41. Mind you…I have always (at least for most of my adult life) enjoyed a variety of fruits and veggies and have eaten them consistency. But on the flip side of that I have always enjoyed a sweet treat too:) I never had to consider how much sweets I was eating because I rarely gained weight….just how I am made I guess….
(the string bean on the way right is vintage 1983ish me…#pinkandgreenforever…and yes that is a cow behind us. My Uncle owned a angus cattle farm in Maryland:)
Since hitting my 40’s….I have noticed that sugar has a new affect on me. My clothes (jeans that I have had for several years..because I have deep issues parting with jeans…) were starting to not feel quite as loose. Dresses that I would wear occasionally were not sitting quite right on my body. This was not ok with me. I am an active person…I walk about 2-3 miles a day…some more some less….I eat right—but I was eating way too much sugar. Sugar is in everything. And what I have learned in the past month is that you have no clue how much of it you are consuming unless you track it daily…counting calories will do you no good—not every calorie is equal…
(ahh college…where beer the beer flows free and doesn’t stick anywhere:)
I have told you that my bff has lost 20 lbs since January doing weight watchers. I would call her up…”how many points is a Jello pudding?…how many points is a Hershey kiss?? etc…” Finally one day we were talking…”Trac…just download the app—seriously the easiest way to track what you are eating…” So I did. I downloaded the app on March 24th…weighing 130 (which for my body frame is about 7-9 lbs too much.) I’ve lost 7 lbs as of today. One month=7lb gone!
(this girl….I’d be lost without her. Womb to tomb…)
No before and after pics here…it is not something that anyone else would notice but me. I realize there are some of you out there thinking “she did not need to lose weight…” and I would agree…it isn’t that I was trying to improve “my look”….more about trying to improve the way I feel.
(easiest way to get yourself moving…own a dog;) Love my Stella girl….)
The first week I was tracking what I ate & I lost 3 lbs…and I felt so much better! My diet has not changed one bit—I can eat all the things I love…I just eat less of it. I get zero kick back if you join…I just felt the need to tell you about it—if you are stuck…if you want your clothes to feel better—most importantly…if you want to be healthier. I have more energy…I sleep sound through the night…and I gotta say—ALL my clothes feel fantastic! I didn’t measure my waist…because I really wasn’t concerned with the number…but more how I feel in my clothes. Mind you…I didn’t need to lose a lot of weight…I really just needed to get back on track. It was so so so easy to use (actually kind of a game really)…I encourage you…it just may be the tool you need to get back on track. You can also use the website…very user friendly (you can join for free until May 2nd)….The way it works is you are given a certain amount of “points” to use everyday. I am allowed to have 30 points. Everything you eat is either a point or it’s free. All fruits and veggies are free….genius in my opinion. I only drink water (but I always have…so that was not a huge change for me). Coffee is free too:) You start to be very aware of exactly what you are eating and what it is “costing” your body to eat it….not just the weight factor—but more about the health factor. I am just 3 lbs from my goal….that will feel so rewarding.
I think what the WW plan boils down to is conscience eating. Taking note—I have noticed in the mid afternoon–when before I would have grabbed a few pretzels …now I have a sliced orange or banana. Small little changes like that are huge. If you join and start today you will be feeling great by swimsuit weather:)
I will be sharing more of my favorite healthy (and tasty) low point recipes with you in the next few months. There are lots of there…many of them use artificial ingredients….which I am not a fan of….Do you have any go-to recipes you love?
Have a great weekend friends:)

Thank you for the motivation!!
[…] But I’d love me some peanut butter and I was really missing it. I officially hit my goal of losing 10 pounds. It only took me about a month-and-a-half! I have noticed a huge boost in my energy and I was […]