4 degrees this morning….I don’t know why I feel I need to share the weather report with you…. #miserylovescompany:) Hope you had a fabulous weekend and are keeping warm wherever you are:) Crazy busy week here….Charity playhouse reveal…and lots of other fun things….but first…Noah’s house….
A playhouse for a little boy who loves the Catholic church. This was a unique challenge that was ahead of me when I was invited to be a part of the design team for this years charity playhouse. Noah is a very special young man. He can recite the entire mass in Latin. I have been through 16 years of Catholic education…and I guarantee this 7 year old could school me in church facts. I was really excited to make this church as authentic and true as I could….
We started out with a structure that was thought out mainly by my friend Mark Simpson and custom builder Pat Durham. (Btw…locals….if you ever have a remodeling or custom building need…email me…..I cannot say enough good about Mark and Pat, who each own their own business.) You look at this church from the outside and it resembles a classic gothic chapel. Looks like it was plucked right out of the countryside and scaled down to little person size:) I chose traditional colors for the exterior. White siding, gray trim, black door.
The crosses and gothic trim make this church literally sing….you actually feel like you should genuflect when you enter.Inside the colors are traditional and calming…blue ceiling, putty walls and white trim….Big shout out and thanks to Porter Paint for supplying all the paint!!
My whole family has had fun being a part of this project….snow days from school made for great paint days at the charity playhouse:)
Lots of other fun surprises….like stained glass windows, a novena area, psalm board and actual church pews….Noah will be the priest of his own church….and it will be completely life like.
I wanted to make these playhouses not only beautiful but also very purposeful. I see these boys spending many many hours dreaming up and pretending in these spaces. You cannot help but feel like a kid when you walk into this home….
More soon!!
Post might be sketchy this week….we have our big reveal on Thursday night! If you are local I hope you can stop by to see the house on display this weekend….:)

Looks great, Tracie! I’m sure this will bring hours of entertainment to these boys. And if we’re talking weather, it was -38 celcius here today (we haven’t gone above zero once this month….coldest Feb on record since Feb 1978). Not sure what that works out to in fahrenheit, but it’s pretty effin’ cold. Pardon my French ;) LOL!
* I should have specified that temp was with the windchill. Either way, bring on spring!!!!!