So I get an email….the email that every blogger dreams to get. Better Homes and Gardens…wants me…at an event….at their headquarters. They want to partner with me for a year of posts…highlighting their brand. They want to fly me to their headquarters to be apart of the kickoff.
I. Am. Beaming.
Until I realize the dates. Mid August….the very same day that my twins start their freshman year of high school.
These two little’s….are going to high school. That is the thing I have always thought was bitter-sweet with twins….once and done. Every moment…every stage….every milestone—when twins are your only kids…you only get one moment…one time to savor it all.
I had to say no…to an opportunity I have waited 4 years to get. But the thing is…when I started this blog 4 years ago….I never even dreamed I would have ever been asked. I had to politely say…my kids…and their nerves…will need me on that day in August.
It will be hard to not be there….but it would have been unimaginable not being here.
There will be loads of other “kick offs”…some I will attend and others I won’t be asked….but this day…this time…with these freshman—only one shot for me to be there. Gotta take it….:)
I will be taking a few days off to end the school year….be back soon with some summer inspiration. Meanwhile, if you are new here…be sure to check out the project gallery at the top of the page:)