I am challenging myself to The Nester’s 31 days of writing about one topic for a consecutive 31 days for the month of October. Each day I will be sharing with you an etsy inspiration….by no means am I endorsed by these etsy sellers….it is a topic I knew that I could talk about for days upon days because I love handmade items. Plus…there is no end to the amount of fabulous finds on etsy!! And sometimes the best thing about finding stuff on there is telling others about it!
The first thing I thought about when I saw this was my first encounter with my husband. We were at a sorority/fraternity party our sophomore year at UD. We were both pledges at the time. I was chosen by my fellow pledges to be the “snow white” and they would all be the seven dwarves. I was honored to say the least. (hahaha) As the party progressed…a mutual friend was talking to this cutey patootie…and I was immediately smitten with him. He is not one for “dress up” so his costume was “the Marboro Man”….just a cowboy hat and boots…along with some smokin hot jeans and a plaid Tommy Hilfiger shirt. Sigh….He came over to me….said “hello Darlin….”….and well…that my friends was the beginning to the end :)
(this costume below made by etsy seller TulleShoppe
To find out more about the Nester’s 31 days….go see her blog…

Hi Tracie, After reading your blog today I was wondering if you would be so kind to check out my shop at Etsy? Maybe it would be an Etsy inspiration you could blog about?
Thank you,
I love this idea! Please feature my handmade Infinity Scarves in one of your upcoming posts!!!
(SugaStitches on Esty!)
Love that adorable Snow White costume! What a cute story about how you met your hubby, too!!
Love your post today! You made the most beautiful Snow White!