Instead of a whole big resolution thing for the new year…Layla is suggesting one word. One word to guide my blog, life, family….the whole shoot and shabang. One word is hard to come up with. It has to encapsulate so many avenues and things.
“Contentment” seems realistically defined as “enjoyment of whatever may be desired”. That definition is realistic because the more contented an individual or community becomes the less extreme so more acceptable their desires will be.” source
To be happy at rest…and at work…
To remember to stop and take note of blessings big and small…
To be grateful for the gifts I have been givin…and to share those…
To be content. I think to live a contented life is something to always be aspiring to. To constantly ask yourself, whatever the case may be; does this make me happy? Do I need this? Will I make good use of this? Do I think it is really beautiful? To remain “present” and conscious of the decisions I make….with my kids, with my hubby, with my blog, with my family and friends….all of it. And I think if I follow that mantra….I will remain content. I think that is where true happiness is found…when you find that place of contentment…and you pull up a chair and stay awhile :)
Sharing at The Lettered Cottage