First off…I would like to thank momnivoresdilemma for inviting me to participate in the…..

I am doing a guest posting over there today…so please go check it out! And thanks again Nicolette for the invite :)
On to some homework business…..
My kiddos are in the 5th grade this year (twins, in two different classrooms)….this means LOTS of studying. And it means I know a whole lot about American History….more than I need to know really—just sayin.So at the beginning of the school year I came across this boardgame idea. I loved it and it really has been a handy study tool. I love it because it works for any subject. I got the idea from Family Fun…adjusted it a bit. Here is what you do….the kids and I make up study index cards for the subject they have a test in. Going through the book or notes and gather the questions putting the answer on the flip side.
The author shares these easy steps for making your own test-prep tool. Here is the link to the full article…Homework Game
1. Start with a 22- by 14-inch piece of poster board. From sheets of construction paper, cut a long, snakelike path (I cut up squares of different colored construction paper, think candyland…) that will fit tidily onto the playing surface, then glue the path down (you could also draw this directly on the board with markers).
2. With a bold-colored marker, divide the path into rectangular sections, then write oops! on every fifth space. Label all the other spaces randomly with a number between one and nine. At one end of the path, write “Start Here,” and at the other end, “Finish Line.”
3. On 3- by 5-inch index cards, create your “oops!” cards, and set aside blanks for the “Question” cards. Glue an extra “oops!” card and a “Questions” card on the board to show where the stacks should go. Have the kids decorate the board with stickers, handprints, or drawings, then cover it with clear Con-Tact paper. For tokens, you can use coins, pebbles, trinkets, paper clips, Lego figures, or just about any tiny treasures from around the house.

So glad you guest posted! Thanks again!
This game looks like so much fun. My mom used to make all kinds of interactive learning games for my sister and myself for homework and I still remember them!