I have this group of friends….we used to play Bunco—now we just eat and laugh—we need to rename our club that—Maybe eat, laugh, drink club. Anyway, these girls are the best. They helped me through the rough first years of having my twins (when I asked, IS THIS NORMAL??) on a regular basis—we have seen really good times together–weddings, babies and new homes…and also really crappy times together. I treasure them—and they all know that.
I recently hosted our annual gift exchange. Always a good time! My friend Susan made me the most wonderful little ornament—and I of course had to share. Thanks Susan—you are dear to me =)
You will need:
12 inches of 18 gauge wire
2 beads
pencil to wrap the wire with
Ultra fine sharpie marker
glue dots or glue
How stinkin cute right?!? She wrapped the wire around a pen to make the curly q’s…
Threaded two beads onto the wire….
Then for the top she wrapped the wire around a large magic marker to make the large loop at the top.
She wrote a bible verse on the ornament with the marker. She used glue and did small circles, she covered the glue with glitter. Finished off with a ribbon! Perfect for a teacher or hostess gift huh!!?!?! Love it!!
Thanks girls! Yall rock! Merry Christmas!
Also—to celebrate having over 200 followers and over 125 fans on FB….I am going to host another giveaway this Friday. Tune in tomorrow to see what it is!!!!! Oh and thanks again for passing this little blog along to friends…yall are sweet ;)
Be Inspired to be Clever ;)

what a great group and a true treasure of a gift! utterly perfect!
what a cute ornament! Great gift! Thanks for the tutorial. :) :)
I love the personalization of the gift, the beads and the cute twist of the wire. Awesome!