I have a dear friend Margaret. We went through high school together—and went off to the fabulous University of Dayton together where we were roommates for 4 years. She is someone who can make me laugh so hard things fly out of my nose. It happened often.
I want to tell you about a website she created. She started it for the main purpose to help others with children who have special needs. She has found much success with the learning tools and games—and she wants others to benefit from it too.
I would encourage you to check out her website….
My Obstacle Course There are so many fabulous ideas on here to working with kids! She is a graduate from the University of Dayton and is an elementary school teacher. She stays at home right now with her son—and together they are helping parents figure out ways to help others benefit from all these sensory games.
I love this one—she explains how to make a sensory snow bin….
The best thing about it is Margaret explains the game…and also what the game can teach. Love that!
My Obstacle Course is perfect for you if….
you want to work and play with your child at home
Your child has ADD or ADHD, or needs structure and purpose to find an activity meaningful
your child has a speech delay – you know your child is intelligent but their intelligibility stands in the way of knowing what they know and how they learn
your child has oral motor, fine motor and/or gross motor skill weakness
you have a child on the autism spectrum, developmental delays, and/or sensory processing disorder and are looking for ways to reinforce their therapies at home
you have a child that is struggling with basic academics and want some way to help them – the kitchen counter routine isn’t cutting it anymore and involves more battle and bribery than practice
Go visit her My Obstacle Course and pass along to friends who you can think it may help! Thanks!!!
Be Inspired to be Clever ;)

I won the bracelet giveaway on your blog on Nov. 28th.
I had planned on using it as a Christmas gift but sadly, I never received it. :(
Perhaps the Christmas Grinch took it for himself or maybe the elves in charge of shipping overlooked the package. Anyways…..my daughter would have loved it but I had to get her something else. :(
[email protected]
I always love finding resources like this. Thanks for sharing.