As most of you know, my kiddos started the 6th grade this week. Bitter sweet. So happy to see them enjoy school and get back to a routine….but amazed that my little babies are in middle school already. Back when they were in Kindergarten I took their picture in front of a baby tree we had planted that summer. I wasn’t really thinking at the time…that the tree would be growing along with them…and how cool would that be to look back on someday. No, I cannot take the credit for that much forward thinking! But I am so glad I did that way back then…because now I have pictures that show them growing up right along with the tree.
I am sure there is some cool analogy I could interject here…about life and growing up…and making good roots…so that your are stable…yadayada…instead I will just share my pictures…cause that’s how I roll….
First day of School