Just to recap….I am challenging myself to The Nester’s 31 days of writing about one topic for a consecutive 31 days for the month of …
31 days of Etsy Inspirations: The Nester Series: Day 4

be inspired to be clever
Just to recap….I am challenging myself to The Nester’s 31 days of writing about one topic for a consecutive 31 days for the month of …
I fear that I am not cool enough to pull off wearing these fingerless gloves by etsy seller SENNURSASA….but they would be so convenient at …
Loveleessoaps creates custom made soaps in all sorts of shapes and sizes. This one could really scare the pants off someone using the restroom;) Pun …
I am challenging myself to The Nester’s 31 days of writing about one topic for a consecutive 31 days for the month of October. Each …