You know how I really dislike flash….it doesn’t make for a flattering picture. In all cases…I do anything I can to not use the flash. Sometimes…that isn’t possible when you want to catch something quickly.
see how the light is directly on the face…it washes out the features…
still a cutey…but too bright…
Putter doesn’t like it either….
So when I heard about a product called
Lightscoop….I was so intrigued! I wrote to the company and they took a look at my blog. They sent me one in the mail…LOVE THAT! So I tried it out to share with my readers.
It is the coolest little camera gadget I have ever seen–and only $29 bucks! I would not encourage anything that I wouldn’t spend my own money on…and I think this little gadget is really inventive!
It fits on the top of your camera…and when you use the flash…it bounces the light—no more shiny faces!
You need to use it indoors where it will be able to bounce the light off a wall…
much more natural…
colors are warmer…like they are seen naturally
Putter agrees…Lightscoop rocks!
Visit the website for more info…and tell you heard about it from me!

Be Inspired to be Clever ;)