I didn’t get into blogging to make money. I actually didn’t realize you could make money. But about 5 months ago (about a year after I started this blog) I was approached by an ad affiliate (that banner ad at the top of the page). I did some research and thought it would be a good fit. The ads are geared towards my readers (nothing offensive or inappropriate). I also was accepted by a few other networks like Clever Girls and Social Spark. Both of these networks allow me the freedom of picking the sponsored post that I would like to do. I don’t accept a sponsored post unless I know that it may be interesting to you. I will always remain true to my mission: which is to share quality, clever, interesting ideas in an easy and fun format. I hope that you leave here feeling inspired to be creative in your home.
Most successful bloggers I know and read have ads. And as a reader…I know that there are many hours of time they put into editing photos, creating there projects, cooking the recipe …along with editing their blog and writing the content. Many many many hours….and I love it all. As I have said…this is a dream job to me. But I also don’t think there is anything wrong with earning some cash along the way. I do not feel I should apologize for few ads on my site. I believe that a blogger deserves to get paid too…so long as the content they put forth is useful and interesting.
My fabulous web designer is just about finished with my new WordPress design. You will notice some changes on there….in hopes to make everything easier to navigate. It is a fresh and playful design and I think you all will like it! You will see some ads on there. No more than you have seen on this design. I hope that the content I put forth every week is worth dealing with a few ads.
Everything worth while cost a little bit of money. You pay for a magazine that is half filled with ads, your favorite TV show is 10 minutes of ads, the movie you went to see has ads all through it….which is why a couple here on this little blog is really no big deal. I mean what’s the Super Bowl without the ads!!! :)
I hope you understand. I hope that you always come back to see what I have to share. I sure do love this little blog and the people I have met. Thanks for understanding and I cannot wait to share the exciting things ahead!!!
Stepping off my soapbox….now tell me your thoughts :)