Here is the description….
New Year’s – Valentine’s Day – Easter – Mother’s Day – Father’s Day – Fourth of July – Halloween – Thanksgiving – Hanukkah – Christmas
Let Martha inspire your creativity with the most beautiful crafts. The 225 handmade projects include cards and greetings, decorations, gifts and gift wrapping, tabletop accents, party favors, and kids’ crafts, as well as more holiday-specific activities, such as egg-dyeing, pumpkin carving, and tree trimming. Each idea is sure to make the holidays more festive—and memorable.
You know me…I don’t like any strings attached when I post giveaways…all you have to do is comment and tell me your favorite season…Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall :)
For another entry, comment and tell me that you follow me on FB or Twitter
Please make sure you leave an email so I can contact you…winner is announced on facebook..then on the blog.
Giveaway ends on Sept. 10th…pass it on…thanks!!

My favourite season for living is Summer (winter is too long where I live), but for crafting it is fall. Thank you for the great giveaway.
I love everything about the Fall!
I used to think Summer was my fav but after this past heat wave in Texas I'm voting for Fall and I can't wait for it to be here!!!! Put me out of my misery…
My favorite season is Winter! I know I'm an oddball…but I just love getting cozy and downing buckets of hot chocolate!
-Lani [email protected]
My favorite season always seems to change, but right now, I think it's spring. There's just something about the exhilaration of coming out of winter with warm temperatures and sunshine.
I love the Fall (or Autumn, as we call it Africa). For me it speaks of warm coloured leaves, cool breezes and, because we're down south, it's also the time for Easter celebrations with coloured eggs and bright coloured baubles!
I love the Fall around here in Northern VA. It's always so beautiful when the leaves turn color.
I'm a new FB fan.
FB fan
Fall has always been my favorite. My birthday falls in September and with the start of school it always felt like the season of new beginnings for me. The smell of leaves, sweaters and tights– mmmm can't wait.
Oh gosh, so hard to pick! I'm going to have to go with fall, though. I love that moment when I walk outside and realize that the air just smells different, that it's time to pull out the sweaters. Even though it's been many, many years since high school, it also still reminds me of happily-spent friday nights at high school football games. :)
I absolutely love Spring!! Everything is fresh and new! I was born in the spring! Our Lord and Savior was crucified and raised from the dead in the spring! What better time of year to celebrate!!
Fall! I love the smells. Starbucks starts selling the Pumpkin Spice latte. I love Halloween and decorating. So much fun!
Also, I follow you on FB :)
I love Fall
[email protected]
I follow you and love keeping up with your latest posts on Facebook
I'm so excited about this giveaway! Autumn is my favorite season!
I also follow you on Facebook! [email protected]
Spring is my favorite season…thanks so much for a fabulous giveaway!!
new FB fan!
I love spring! the smells of new grass, blooming flowers, and the birdsong renews my spirit! Thanks for the chance to win the MS book!
Fall is my favorite! The smell of leaves, the chilly nights perfect for campfires…lovely! p.s. the 10th is my birthday and this would be a great present :)
I love fall and winter, time to get cozy!!
I love summer weather, but there is nothing quite like the holidays and all the decorating that comes with it!
I follow you on Facebook, thanks for the great giveaway!
I like you on FB!!
I love Fall! Mainly because of the colors of fall are my fav!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win, Tracie! I ADORE fall…;)
And I like you on FB!
I follow you on FB :)
I love fall, but you will never hear me say that I am happy summer is ending!
I love summer since it is my birthday and anniversary season, but after the past few California summer days I am ready for fall!
Have to admit, I love all of them except the 'can't breathe' hot days of summer. But if I had to choose, fall!
I follow on fb :)
Any season… for the first 3 weeks! I just love the change of season: the change in weather & temperatures, the food we've been missing for a year, the clothes found at the back of the closet…
So I'd love to celebrate every season with Martha!
Thanks for the chance
Fall by far! I love the smells, colors, weather (in Colorado we often have Indian Summer) and especially the goodies! Speaking of goodies, I always love it when you post a new recipe! Thanks so much
As much as I love summer, FALL it is! Cross-country season, back-to-school, sweater-weather, football games, and yummy pumpkin EVERYTHING, especially pumpkin bread (I stole your recipe…) :)Fall decorating is one of my favorites too!
Well it has to be a toss up between fall and spring. With the changing of colors in nature, it is hard to choose.
Fall! The perfect time to live in New England. I sooo need cider donuts right now
Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year & this book would e perfect for fall decor ideas. Thanks for a chance to win.
My favorite season is most definitely Fall! Back to school, Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving… So much fun with all the kiddies! :)
[email protected]
I'm a Facebook fan! (Gia Patton-Judge)
[email protected]
I like them. There something special about each season Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall/Autumn.
I love fall! Decorating for Halloween in my favorite!
Bring on F A L L ! ! There is no better season for me. :) I love the color, the crispness in the air and the shorter daylight hours which means the family can retreat into our cozy home for a warm meal.
Yes, definitely Fall!
Paula Ann
Fall!!! The beautiful colors, the cool air, and the excitement of Halloween!!
FB Fan!!
My favorite season is whichever one I am in… and the next one for which I am planning decorations! Thanks for the fun ideas and the giveaway!
I am a follower by email. I look forward daily to your posts! Thank you!
I follow you on facebook, too! So much fun!
My fav season of the year is fall. I like the colors it brings.
I follow you by email which btw, is my most fav way to read my blogs! Thanks
Yep, I also follow you on FB, thanks for the give away!
I love winter! I love the snow and Christmas! Thanks for the giveaway. [email protected]
I follow you on twitter! Thanks, [email protected]
Hands down, FALL! This is the kind of book I love! Oh Martha your so crafty :)
Oh and I follow you on FB and twitter! Tweet!
I guess you need my email too. [email protected]
I love summer! The weather is beautiful, there's so much fun stuff to do and it seems like everyone is generally happier :-) Thanks! [email protected]
Oh and I follow you on Facebook too! That's where I saw this giveaway :-)
I love the cozy comfort of Fall.
[email protected]
I love the fall!
Fall is my favorite season!
tina120981 @ aol dot com
Fall is my favorite season, I love the golden colors, the crisp air and the scent of apples and cinnamon.
I love fall!!
I am such a Fall fanatic- I squeal with glee the moment I see autumn colors, school supplies, and Halloween decor!
[email protected]
I love summer; love to go camping
And of course I follow you on fb
I love fall!
AND, I already follow you on FB.
Um, any season but winter!!
And I follow you on facebook…woot! :)
i just found your blog through thrifty decor…and i'm so excited! let's see, favorite season…i would have to say fall…love the leaves, the smells, the sweaters! thanks!
Congrats on being featured at TDC. Got to try that mac n cheese recipe. Glad to find ur blog. Now following on Facebook.
Summer summer summer summer, because I live in saskatchewan and we get desperately COLD winters! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I LOVE Fall :)
I love the winter!, Weird I know, but it is my birthday season, plus I LOVE blankets, jackets, fireplaces, family, and of course hot cocoa!
Spring is my thing :)
Summer! Fun in the sun. [email protected]
and im following you in fbook!
Summer is my favorite
Fall is my favorite season…it always goes by way too fast for me!
I love fall. It's crisp and beautiful and warm.. all at once. Love it.
new follower on facebook!!
Fall is my favorite time, everything is in renewal.
Spring…I love watching everything come back to life.
liked you on fb bbrae302athotmaildotcom
Fall, no contest!
i love fall, with winter as a super-close second! :)
My favorite season is fall. My birthday is in October, I love the cool weather and the beautiful colors of the leaves.
julieheld at comcast dot net
I liked you on fb
julieheld at comcast dot net
Thank you! My favorite is season is fall!
After this Texas heatwave and drought I am looking forward to fall and cooler weather!
I am following you on Facebook.
What a great givaway!!!
My favorite season is Fall…and I'm so looking forward to it after all this heat!!
Fall is hands down my favorite season…although living in Florida it's just not the same.
I follow you via Google Friend Connect :)
My favourite season is summer, but my favourite holiday is Christmas. :)
I love spring
Fb fan!!!!!
I love everything about Fall! The cooler weather, the colorful leaves, fall meals & baking, decorating, bonfires…
I follow you on facebook and just came to your blog to see if I could follow you on pinterest. Thanks for the giveaway!
Fall is my fave! :)
[email protected]
I follow you on FB!
[email protected]
FALL is my favorite season also! : )
[email protected]
Favorite season is, and always has been, Fall!!
I follow you on FB.
I love the summer weather but my favorite for decorating and creating is Fall. So many ways to decorate with fall. This book would be so fun!
Connie Haack
letsgosew at yahoo dot com
I like you on Facebook
Connie Haack
letsgosew at yahoo dot come
Teresa said:
I love spring! After the cold winter where I have to hurry inside, I love to get to sit outside in the porch swing and see all the things in nature come back to life!
[email protected]
Teresa said:
I follow you on facebook too! Can't wait for the mobile app!
[email protected]
I love summer for the warm weather and lighter outfits, I don't do well in cold but my favorite holiday is Halloween! I love the orange and black and neighbors and strangers all out on one night being nice to each other just because.
I love Fall! Seeing the leaves change is one of my favorite things :)
[email protected]
my fave is fall! i love the bonfires, boots, but especially the colors!
I love fall…the smells, the leaves, the crispness in the air. And pumpkin pie!
I've been following you on FB and I'm loving everything I see!
[email protected]
For the first time, I really loved summer this year. We joined a pool, went every other day and I got a tan!! Gotta say, my body DOES look better bronzed-thanks Snooki!
Great giveaway-just started following your blog and love it!
I'm also following you on fb-thanks again!
My favorite season is definitly fall! Pumpkin spice anything, cool air, Christmas shopping, holiday decor etc etc Love love love FALL
I just started following your blog and it is awesome!! Hope I win!
Melissa >> [email protected]
Definitely fall! Crunch leaves, pumpkin spice latte, cutesy Halloween decor.
Just found your blog and I am now addicted!
I love all of your stuff!!!! I check your page daily! :) Keep up the great work!