Love the format!! Take the files to print on a 4×6 and you have a handy little book to keep with you at all times to review!
She talks about the important of using the ISO to your advantage in every picture. Only using the available light—and not using flash (as you know, I dislike flash ) most of the time it doesn’t make for an appealing photograph.
It is simple and easy to understand. Lots of sample pictures to give you an idea of what you should do in similar situations.
This little book is perfect for anyone wanting to know how to dive in a bit more into making your pictures really look professional.
When I learned all about ISO and shutter speeds and white balance—it was all on a manual 35 mm…and you had to wait and see the results until you got out of the darkroom…this whole process took awhile! This is the advantage of digital….take some shots, see how you do—easy peasy, lemon squeezey! Go and try! And keep learning! You will be amazed at how good of a photographer you really are!
Thanks again to Kristin for gifting me the book to review…job well done and I can’t wait to see the next ebook about advanced settings!

I so badly need this…I really want to be a better photographer…I have a decent camera, and then I do not take the time to learn all of this.