I was honored to be contacted by
thinkbaby for this giveaway today. I do not like to endorse any product that I don’t 100% believe in myself…and thinkbaby is a company that I am fully behind.
Founded in 2006, thinkbaby products address the growing concern of toxic chemicals leaching from baby products…..
Spring break is coming….
They are an award winning company…with good reason….
Would have loved to have this for my twins! I love this idea!
And things for mom and dad too!!
thinkbaby has been generous to a lucky cleverlyinspired reader! They will received
$60 in store credit
to buy any thinkbaby products they may want!!! Awesome right!!!
Here is the low-down on how YOU can win!!!
1. Comment here—tell me what baby/kiddo product you can’t live without (if you don’t have kids, then just comment “thinkbaby”)
Good luck! And this giveaway will be going until Feb. 5th!
Pass the word around!! Thanks!
Be Inspired to be Clever ;)

Oh my…I would love the sippy cup for my little guy!
Heather from WhipperBerry
I liked thinkbaby on facebook
I liked cleverlyinspired on facebook (surprised I hadn't done that sooner)
I'd love the sippie cup or the water bottle for me!
thinkbaby (please!!!!)
I liked CI on FB
I like thinkbaby on FB
think Baby!!
If I won, I would buy my cousin some baby stuff. She is expecting soon!
Think baby! These are so neat. Not a mommy to be yet, but these are great to know about in advance!
I was awarded today, so I decided to extend the event to you, and send you an award! Check out the link above, and feel free to participate! Enjoy your day!
I love the thinkbaby Starter Set! I would love to get this!
awesome giveaway!
I follow think baby on Fb under the name Kelly C
I liked Cleverly Inspired on Fb under the name Kelly C
We're just transitioning to sippy cups from breastfeeding in our house so sippy cups are important to me! Oh, and water bottles for when MOM works out.
I'm also a CI fan on FB!
THINKBABY!!! danajeanward(at)gmail(dot)com
I fanned you! danajeanward(at)gmail(dot)com
I would like the sunscreen for my grandsons, the bottles for my niece who is in labor as I write this and the sportsbottle for me. Nice stuff at THINKBABY!
I am a fan of cleverlyinspired on facebook
I am now a fan of THINKBABY on facebook
I have been wanting to try the feeding set! Thanks for the chance!
I would love the feeding set for my little guy…he's not yet there, but almost! And the sports bottle for me! :D
I'm already a fan of cleverlyinspired on fb!
I'm a fan of thinkbaby on fb!
Small storage containers! Little treats for little hands!
liked thinkbaby on facebook
I couldn't live without sippy cups or snack cups for the car. We have a 20 month old, so they come in handy a lot!
I {like} thinkbaby on Facebook.
I {like} cleverlyinspired on Facebook.
I would love to get the starter kit for my daughter in law that is having our first grandson!
[email protected]
I like thinkbaby on facebook
I already like you on facebook
When my daughter was a baby I couldnt live with out her diaper wipe warmer or the diaper genie. I loved those things! Thanks, [email protected]
I couldn't have a baby without a boppy pillow! amanda(dot)krueger(at)gmail
'liked' thinkbaby on FB amanda(dot)krueger(at)gmail
'liked' cleverly inspired on FB (amanda(dot)krueger(at)gmail)
think baby ! :)
thanks much for the giveaway!
i liked YOU on fb!
thanks for the giveaway!
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I couldn't live without a pacifier.
I've always wanted a yoga mat of my own but have never broke down and bought one for myself. The joys of mother…. always putting yourself last.
i couldn't live without elmo.
i am following you an FB and twitter.