One thing I love about our neighborhood is that we take care of each other. If someone is having a rough time, or maybe a new baby in the house, or a death in the family…we all try to pitch in and help. Isn’t it funny how the first thing people mention is “taking care of the meals”. Food is so comfort and universal. I love that. So I found this free website about a year ago…and I remember saying out loud to my computer “What a fabulous idea!”
So I wanted to share…because that is what I like to do…to share a fabulous idea, friend to friend…and you too can pass it on.
It is called
Mealbaby and it is the most simple format to having people sign up to bring meals. I have used it several times and I just love it!
You create a free account, plop in the email addresses of the people you are enlisting meals from. Meal baby sends them an email, has them fill out the date they are bringing the meal—and it can email the family that you are helping out! How easy!!! It is very user friendly and really easy to set up and use! And FREE!!!
They aren’t payin me….just needed to tell ya!
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