You know how they (whoever they is…) say….when you follow your passion…things just start to happen. I have really found my voice out here in blogland. It has given me such joy to share the projects I work on with all of you! And when you find your passion and you follow it and you work on it…things will happen—they just will.
I will be signing with zulily to offer them exclusive sponsorship on my blog for the next 6 months starting in January!! They are a fabulous company that is geared towards saving mom’s (and dad’s) money!! Same as me huh!! They have also asked me to do a couple guest post per month on their
zulily blog !!! Where I can share some fun stuff with their readers!! Win/Win!!!
We go together perfectly and I am pleased as punch to offer them exclusive sponsorship. I want to keep my blog free of “mommbo-jumbo”…and keep it clean and get to the facts. I don’t want my readers to have to sift through ads just to read what I have to share. That is why I am offering the spot to just one company—and zulily fits my readers perfect.
I think you will be so happy you stopped by zulily—-they have deals that cannot be beat! When you do go visit tell them I sent you ;) Go on now….go save yourself some money! I am!!!! Find them on Facebook here…
Zulily on FB
Be Inspired to be Clever ;)

Congrats! That's exciting!
So exciting!